m (1 revision imported) |
No edit summary |
Line 352: | Line 352: | ||
for _, item in ipairs( invokeList ) do | for _, item in ipairs( invokeList ) do | ||
local msg = string.format( | local msg = string.format( | ||
"'''%s''' invokes function '''%s''' in [[%s]] using [[ | "'''%s''' invokes function '''%s''' in [[%s]] using [[WoopMC:Lua|Lua]].", | ||
templateName, | templateName, | ||
item.funcName, | item.funcName, | ||
Line 569: | Line 569: | ||
for _, item in ipairs( templateStylesList ) do | for _, item in ipairs( templateStylesList ) do | ||
local msg = string.format( | local msg = string.format( | ||
"'''%s''' invokes [[%s]] using [[ | "'''%s''' invokes [[%s]] using [[WoopMC:TemplateStyles|TemplateStyles]].", | ||
currentPageName, | currentPageName, | ||
item.styleName | item.styleName |
Latest revision as of 19:29, 23 May 2024
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:DependencyList/doc
-- <nowiki> local p = {} local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' ) local arr = require( 'Module:Array' ) local yn = require( 'Module:Yesno' ) local param = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ) local dpl = require( 'Module:DPLlua' ) local mHatnote = require('Module:Hatnote') local mHatlist = require('Module:Hatnote list') local moduleIsUsed = false local COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD = 1 local MAX_DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LIST_LENGTH = 30 local dynamicRequireListQueryCache = {} --- Used in case 'require( varName )' is found. Attempts to find a string value stored in 'varName'. ---@param content string The content of the module to search in ---@param varName string ---@return string local function substVarValue( content, varName ) local res = content:match( varName .. '%s*=%s*(%b""%s-%.*)' ) or content:match( varName .. "%s*=%s*(%b''%s-%.*)" ) or '' if res:find( '^(["\'])[Mm]odule:[%S]+%1' ) and not res:find( '%.%.' ) and not res:find( '%%%a' ) then return mw.text.trim( res ) else return '' end end ---@param capture string ---@param content string The content of the module to search in ---@return string local function extractModuleName( capture, content ) capture = capture:gsub( '^%(%s*(.-)%s*%)$', '%1' ) if capture:find( '^(["\']).-%1$' ) then -- Check if it is already a pure string return capture elseif capture:find( '^[%a_][%w_]*$' ) then -- Check if if is a single variable return substVarValue( content, capture ) end return capture end ---@param str string ---@return string local function formatPageName( str ) local name = mw.text.trim(str) :gsub( '^([\'\"])(.-)%1$', function(_, x) return x end ) -- Only remove quotes at start and end of string if both are the same type :gsub( '_', ' ' ) :gsub( '^.', string.upper ) :gsub( ':.', string.upper ) return name end ---@param str string ---@return string local function formatModuleName( str ) local module = formatPageName( str ) if not string.find( module, '^[Mm]odule:' ) then module = 'Module:' .. module end return module end local function dualGmatch( str, pat1, pat2 ) local f1 = string.gmatch( str, pat1 ) local f2 = string.gmatch( str, pat2 ) return function() return f1() or f2() end end --- Used in case a construct like 'require( "Module:wowee/" .. isTheBest )' is found. --- Will return a list of pages which satisfy this pattern where 'isTheBest' can take any value. ---@param query string ---@return string[] Sequence of strings local function getDynamicRequireList( query ) if query:find( '%.%.' ) then query = mw.text.split( query, '..', true ) query = arr.map( query, function(x) return mw.text.trim(x) end ) query = arr.map( query, function(x) return (x:match('^[\'\"](.-)[\'\"]$') or '%') end ) query = table.concat( query ) else _, query = query:match( '(["\'])(.-)%1' ) query = query:gsub( '%%%a', '%%' ) end query = query:gsub( '^[Mm]odule:', '' ) if dynamicRequireListQueryCache[ query ] then return dynamicRequireListQueryCache[ query ] end local list = dpl.ask{ namespace = 'Module', titlematch = query, nottitlematch = '%/doc|'..query..'/%', distinct = 'strict', ignorecase = true, ordermethod = 'title', count = MAX_DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LIST_LENGTH + 1, skipthispage = 'no', allowcachedresults = true, cacheperiod = 604800 -- One week } if #list > MAX_DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LIST_LENGTH then list = { 'Module:' .. query } end dynamicRequireListQueryCache[ query ] = list return list end --- Returns a list of modules loaded and required by module 'moduleName'. ---@param moduleName string ---@param searchForUsedTemplates boolean ---@return string[], string[], string[] local function getRequireList( moduleName, searchForUsedTemplates ) local content = mw.title.new( moduleName ):getContent() local requireList = arr{} local loadDataList = arr{} local usedTemplateList = arr{} local dynamicRequirelist = arr{} local dynamicLoadDataList = arr{} assert( content ~= nil, string.format( '%s does not exist', moduleName ) ) content = content:gsub( '%-%-%[(=-)%[.-%]%1%]', '' ):gsub( '%-%-[^\n]*', '' ) -- Strip comments for match in dualGmatch( content, 'require%s*(%b())', 'require%s*((["\'])%s*[Mm]odule:.-%2)' ) do match = mw.text.trim( match ) match = extractModuleName( match, content ) if match:find( '%.%.' ) or match:find( '%%%a' ) then for _, x in ipairs( getDynamicRequireList( match ) ) do table.insert( dynamicRequirelist, x ) end elseif match ~= '' then match = formatModuleName( match ) table.insert( requireList, match ) end end for match in dualGmatch( content, 'mw%.loadData%s*(%b())', 'mw%.loadData%s*((["\'])%s*[Mm]odule:.-%2)' ) do match = mw.text.trim( match ) match = extractModuleName( match, content ) if match:find( '%.%.' ) or match:find( '%%%a' ) then for _, x in ipairs( getDynamicRequireList( match ) ) do table.insert( dynamicLoadDataList, x ) end elseif match ~= '' then match = formatModuleName( match ) table.insert( loadDataList, match ) end end for func, match in string.gmatch( content, 'pcall%s*%(([^,]+),([^%),]+)' ) do func = mw.text.trim( func ) match = mw.text.trim( match ) if func == 'require' then for _, x in ipairs( getDynamicRequireList( match ) ) do table.insert( dynamicRequirelist, x ) end elseif func == 'mw.loadData' then for _, x in ipairs( getDynamicRequireList( match ) ) do table.insert( dynamicLoadDataList, x ) end end end if searchForUsedTemplates then for preprocess in string.gmatch( content, ':preprocess%s*(%b())' ) do local function recursiveGMatch( str, pat ) local list = {} local i = 0 repeat for match in string.gmatch( list[i] or str, pat ) do table.insert( list, match ) end i = i + 1 until i > #list or i > 100 i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 return list[i] end end for template in recursiveGMatch( preprocess, '{(%b{})}' ) do local name = string.match( template, '{(.-)[|{}]' ) if name ~= '' then if name:find( ':' ) then local ns = name:match( '^(.-):' ) if arr.contains( {'', 'template', 'user'}, ns:lower() ) then table.insert( usedTemplateList, name ) elseif ns == ns:upper() then table.insert( usedTemplateList, ns ) -- Probably a magic word end else if name:match( '^%u+$' ) or name == '!' then table.insert( usedTemplateList, name ) -- Probably a magic word else table.insert( usedTemplateList, 'Template:'..name ) end end end end end end requireList = requireList .. dynamicRequirelist:reject( loadDataList ) requireList = requireList:unique() loadDataList = loadDataList .. dynamicLoadDataList:reject( requireList ) loadDataList = loadDataList:unique() usedTemplateList = usedTemplateList:unique() table.sort( requireList ) table.sort( loadDataList ) table.sort( usedTemplateList ) return requireList, loadDataList, usedTemplateList end --- Returns a list with module and function names used in all '{{#Invoke:moduleName|funcName}}' found on page 'templateName'. ---@param templateName string ---@return table<string, string>[] local function getInvokeCallList( templateName ) local content = mw.title.new( templateName ):getContent() local invokeList = {} assert( content ~= nil, string.format( '%s does not exist', templateName ) ) for moduleName, funcName in string.gmatch( content, '{{[{|safeubt:}]-#[Ii]nvoke:([^|]+)|([^}|]+)[^}]*}}' ) do moduleName = formatModuleName( moduleName ) funcName = mw.text.trim( funcName ) if string.find( funcName, '^{{{' ) then funcName = funcName .. '}}}' end table.insert( invokeList, {moduleName=moduleName, funcName=funcName} ) end invokeList = arr.unique( invokeList, function(x) return x.moduleName..x.funcName end ) table.sort( invokeList, function(x, y) return x.moduleName..x.funcName < y.moduleName..y.funcName end ) return invokeList end --- Returns a list with TemplateStyles found on page 'pageName'. ---@param templateName string ---@return table<string>[] local function getTemplateStylesList( pageName ) local content = mw.title.new( pageName ):getContent() local templateStylesList = {} assert( content ~= nil, string.format( '%s does not exist', pageName ) ) -- Greedy match to match <templatestyles>, {{#tag:templatestyles}}, and lua calls for styleName in string.gmatch( content, 'templatestyles.+src%s?=%s?[\'"](.[^\'"]+%.css)[\'"]' ) do -- TemplateStyles default to Template: when there are no namespace suffix if string.find( styleName, ':', 1, true ) then styleName = mw.text.trim( styleName ) else styleName = string.format( 'Template:%s', mw.text.trim( styleName ) ) end styleName = formatPageName( styleName ) table.insert( templateStylesList, {styleName=styleName} ) end templateStylesList = arr.unique( templateStylesList, function(x) return x.styleName end ) table.sort( templateStylesList, function(x, y) return x.styleName < y.styleName end ) return templateStylesList end ---@param pageName string ---@param addCategories boolean ---@return string local function messageBoxUnused( pageName, addCategories ) local html = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'mbox mbox-med mbox-unusedmodule' ):attr( 'role', 'presentation') html:tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mbox-title' ) :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mbox-icon metadata' ) :wikitext( '[[File:WikimediaUI-Alert.svg|14px|link=]]' ) :done() :wikitext( 'This module is unused.' ) :done() :tag( 'span' ) :addClass( 'mbox-text' ) :wikitext( string.format( 'This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add <code>{{[[Template:Documentation|Documentation]]}}</code>/<code>{{[[Template:No documentation|No documentation]]}}</code> to the calling template\'s or parent\'s module documentation.', pageName ) ) :wikitext( addCategories and '[[Category:Unused modules]]' or '' ) :done() :done() return tostring( html ) end local function collapseList( list, id, listType ) local text = string.format( '%d %s', #list, listType ) local button = '<span>' .. text .. ':</span> ' local content = mHatlist.andList( list, false ) return { tostring( button ) .. tostring( content ) } end --- Creates a link to [[Special:Search]] showing all pages found by getDynamicRequireList() in case it found more than MAX_DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LIST_LENGTH pages. ---@param query string @This will be in a format like 'Module:Wowee/%' or 'Module:Wowee/%/data' ---@return string local function formatDynamicQueryLink( query ) local prefix = query:match( '^([^/]+)' ) local linkText = query:gsub( '%%', '< ... >' ) query = query:gsub( '^Module:', '' ) query = query:gsub( '([^/]+)/?', function ( match ) if match == '%' then return '\\/[^\\/]+' else return '\\/"' .. match .. '"' end end ) query = query:gsub( '^\\/', '' ) query = string.format( 'intitle:/%s%s/i -intitle:/%s\\/""/i -intitle:doc prefix:"%s"', query, query:find( '"$' ) and '' or '""', query, prefix ) return string.format( '<span class="plainlinks">[%s %s]</span>', tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl( 'Special:Search', { search = query } ) ), linkText ) end ---@param templateName string ---@param addCategories boolean ---@param invokeList table<string, string>[] @This is the list returned by getInvokeCallList() ---@return string local function formatInvokeCallList( templateName, addCategories, invokeList ) local category = addCategories and '[[Category:Lua-based templates]]' or '' local res = {} for _, item in ipairs( invokeList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' invokes function '''%s''' in [[%s]] using [[WoopMC:Lua|Lua]].", templateName, item.funcName, item.moduleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #invokeList > 0 then table.insert( res, category ) end return table.concat( res ) end ---@param moduleName string ---@param addCategories boolean ---@param whatLinksHere string @A list generated by a dpl of pages in the Template namespace which link to moduleName. ---@return string local function formatInvokedByList( moduleName, addCategories, whatLinksHere ) local function lcfirst( str ) return string.gsub( str, '^[Mm]odule:.', string.lower ) end local templateData = arr.map( whatLinksHere, function(x) return {templateName=x, invokeList=getInvokeCallList(x)} end ) templateData = arr.filter( templateData, function(x) return arr.any( x.invokeList, function(y) return lcfirst(y.moduleName) == lcfirst(moduleName) end ) end ) local invokedByList = {} for _, template in ipairs( templateData ) do for _, invoke in ipairs( template.invokeList ) do table.insert( invokedByList, string.format( "function '''%s''' is invoked by [[%s]]", invoke.funcName, template.templateName ) ) end end table.sort( invokedByList) local res = {} if #invokedByList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' is invoked by %s.", moduleName, collapseList( invokedByList, 'invokedBy', 'templates' )[1] ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) else for _, item in ipairs( invokedByList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s's''' %s.", moduleName, item ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end end if #templateData > 0 then moduleIsUsed = true table.insert( res, (addCategories and '[[Category:Template invoked modules]]' or '') ) end return table.concat( res ) end ---@param moduleName string ---@param addCategories boolean ---@param whatLinksHere string @A list generated by a dpl of pages in the Module namespace which link to moduleName. ---@return string local function formatRequiredByList( moduleName, addCategories, whatLinksHere ) local childModuleData = arr.map( whatLinksHere, function ( title ) local requireList, loadDataList = getRequireList( title ) return {name=title, requireList=requireList, loadDataList=loadDataList} end ) local requiredByList = arr.map( childModuleData, function ( item ) if arr.any( item.requireList, function(x) return x:lower()==moduleName:lower() end ) then if item.name:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( item.name ) else return '[[' .. item.name .. ']]' end end end ) local loadedByList = arr.map( childModuleData, function ( item ) if arr.any( item.loadDataList, function(x) return x:lower()==moduleName:lower() end ) then if item.name:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( item.name ) else return '[[' .. item.name .. ']]' end end end ) if #requiredByList > 0 or #loadedByList > 0 then moduleIsUsed = true end if #requiredByList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then requiredByList = collapseList( requiredByList, 'requiredBy', 'modules' ) end if #loadedByList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then loadedByList = collapseList( loadedByList, 'loadedBy', 'modules' ) end local res = {} for _, requiredByModuleName in ipairs( requiredByList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' is required by %s.", moduleName, requiredByModuleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #requiredByList > 0 then table.insert( res, (addCategories and '[[Category:Modules required by modules]]' or '') ) end for _, loadedByModuleName in ipairs( loadedByList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' is loaded by %s.", moduleName, requiredByModuleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #loadedByList > 0 then table.insert( res, (addCategories and '[[Category:Module data]]' or '') ) end return table.concat( res ) end local function formatRequireList( currentPageName, addCategories, requireList ) local res = {} if #requireList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then requireList = collapseList( requireList, 'require', 'modules' ) end for _, requiredModuleName in ipairs( requireList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' requires %s.", currentPageName, requiredModuleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #requireList > 0 then table.insert( res, (addCategories and '[[Category:Modules requiring modules]]' or '') ) end return table.concat( res ) end local function formatLoadDataList( currentPageName, addCategories, loadDataList ) local res = {} if #loadDataList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then loadDataList = collapseList( loadDataList, 'loadData', 'modules' ) end for _, loadedModuleName in ipairs( loadDataList ) do local msg = string.format( "''%s''' loads data from %s.", currentPageName, loadedModuleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #loadDataList > 0 then table.insert( res, (addCategories and '[[Category:Modules using data]]' or '') ) end return table.concat( res ) end local function formatUsedTemplatesList( currentPageName, addCategories, usedTemplateList ) local res = {} if #usedTemplateList > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then usedTemplateList = collapseList( usedTemplateList, 'usedTemplates', 'templates' ) end for _, templateName in ipairs( usedTemplateList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' transcludes [[%s]] using <samp>frame:preprocess()</samp>.", currentPageName, templateName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end return table.concat( res ) end ---@param templateName string ---@param addCategories boolean ---@param templateStylesList table<string>[] @This is the list returned by getTemplateStylesList() ---@return string local function formatTemplateStylesList( currentPageName, addCategories, templateStylesList ) local category = addCategories and '[[Category:Templates using TemplateStyles]]' or '' local res = {} for _, item in ipairs( templateStylesList ) do local msg = string.format( "'''%s''' invokes [[%s]] using [[WoopMC:TemplateStyles|TemplateStyles]].", currentPageName, item.styleName ) table.insert( res, mHatnote._hatnote( msg, { icon='WikimediaUI-Palette.svg' } ) ) end if #templateStylesList > 0 then table.insert( res, category ) end return table.concat( res ) end function p.main( frame ) local args = frame:getParent().args return p._main( args[1], args.category, args.isUsed ) end ---@param currentPageName string|nil ---@param addCategories boolean|string|nil ---@return string function p._main( currentPageName, addCategories, isUsed ) libraryUtil.checkType( 'Module:RequireList._main', 1, currentPageName, 'string', true ) libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti( 'Module:RequireList._main', 2, addCategories, {'boolean', 'string', 'nil'} ) libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti( 'Module:RequireList._main', 3, isUsed, {'boolean', 'string', 'nil'} ) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- Leave early if not in module or template namespace if param.is_empty( currentPageName ) and ( not arr.contains( {'Module', 'Template'}, title.nsText ) ) then return '' end currentPageName = param.default_to( currentPageName, title.fullText ) currentPageName = string.gsub( currentPageName, '/[Dd]oc$', '' ) currentPageName = formatPageName( currentPageName ) addCategories = yn( param.default_to( addCategories, title.subpageText~='doc' ) ) moduleIsUsed = yn( param.default_to( isUsed, false ) ) if title.text:lower():find( 'sandbox' ) then moduleIsUsed = true -- Don't show sandbox modules as unused end local templateStylesList = getTemplateStylesList( currentPageName ) if currentPageName:find( '^Template:' ) then local invokeList = getInvokeCallList( currentPageName ) return formatInvokeCallList( currentPageName, addCategories, invokeList ) .. formatTemplateStylesList( currentPageName, addCategories, templateStylesList ) end local whatTemplatesLinkHere, whatModulesLinkHere = dpl.ask( { namespace = 'Template', linksto = currentPageName, distinct = 'strict', ignorecase = true, ordermethod = 'title', allowcachedresults = true, cacheperiod = 604800 -- One week }, { namespace = 'Module', linksto = currentPageName, nottitlematch = '%/doc%|' .. currentPageName:gsub( 'Module:', '' ), distinct = 'strict', ignorecase = true, ordermethod = 'title', allowcachedresults = true, cacheperiod = 604800 -- One week } ) local requireList, loadDataList, usedTemplateList = getRequireList( currentPageName, true ) requireList = arr.map( requireList, function ( moduleName ) if moduleName:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( moduleName ) else return '[[' .. moduleName .. ']]' end end ) loadDataList = arr.map( loadDataList, function ( moduleName ) if moduleName:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( moduleName ) else return '[[' .. moduleName .. ']]' end end ) usedTemplateList = arr.map( usedTemplateList, function( templateName ) if string.find( templateName, ':' ) then -- Real templates are prefixed by a namespace, magic words are not return '[['..templateName..']]' else return "'''{{"..templateName.."}}'''" -- Magic words don't have a page so make them bold instead end end ) local res = {} table.insert( res, formatInvokedByList( currentPageName, addCategories, whatTemplatesLinkHere ) ) table.insert( res, formatRequireList( currentPageName, addCategories, requireList ) ) table.insert( res, formatLoadDataList( currentPageName, addCategories, loadDataList ) ) table.insert( res, formatUsedTemplatesList( currentPageName, addCategories, usedTemplateList ) ) table.insert( res, formatRequiredByList( currentPageName, addCategories, whatModulesLinkHere ) ) table.insert( res, formatTemplateStylesList( currentPageName, addCategories, templateStylesList ) ) if not moduleIsUsed then table.insert( res, 1, messageBoxUnused( currentPageName:gsub( 'Module:', '' ), addCategories ) ) end return table.concat( res ) end return p -- </nowiki>