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ServerClaims plugin    on Survival
Main command/lands
Sub commandsMany
RequirementsAny rank

Lands Plugin - Player Guide[edit]

Welcome to the Lands plugin! This guide will help you get started as a player, outlining key features and commands you'll need to know to manage your land effectively.

Getting Started[edit]

Lands is a comprehensive land management plugin that allows you to claim, protect, and manage land in your Minecraft world. Here's how to begin:

Claiming Land[edit]

To start protecting your land, you need to claim it first. Follow these steps:

1. Create a Land:[edit]

  • Use /lands create <name> to create a new land. Replace <name> with your desired land name.
  • Example: /lands create MyLand

2. Claim a Chunk:[edit]

  • Stand in the chunk you wish to claim and use /lands claim.
  • You can also specify the land name: /lands claim <land name>
  • Example: /lands claim MyLand

Managing Your Land[edit]

Once you've claimed your land, you have several management options:

1. View Your Land:[edit]

  • Use /lands view to see a list of all your lands.

2. Map View:[edit]

  • Use /lands map to view a map of claimed chunks around you.

3. Land Menu:[edit]

  • Access the land menu with /lands menu <land name>.
  • Example: /lands menu MyLand

Permissions and Roles[edit]

Manage who can do what in your land by setting up roles and permissions:

1. Create a Role:[edit]

  • Use /lands role create <land name> <role name> to create a new role.
  • Example: /lands role create MyLand Builder

2. Set Permissions:[edit]

  • Use /lands role edit <land name> <role name> to edit permissions.
  • Example: /lands role edit MyLand Builder
  • You can then toggle various permissions for the role, such as building, breaking blocks, and more.

3. Assign a Role:[edit]

  • Use /lands role assign <land name> <role name> <player> to assign a role to a player.
  • Example: /lands role assign MyLand Builder Steve

Economy and Taxes[edit]

Lands integrates with the economy system, allowing you to manage land taxes and upkeep:

1. Set Land Price:[edit]

  • Use /lands price <land name> <price> to set the price of your land.
  • Example: /lands price MyLand 500

2. Taxes and Upkeep:[edit]

  • Use /lands tax <land name> <amount> to set daily taxes.
  • Example: /lands tax MyLand 10
  • Ensure you have enough money in your land's balance to cover daily taxes to avoid losing claims.

War and Diplomacy[edit]

Engage in wars or establish alliances with other lands:

Declare War:[edit]

  • Use /lands war declare <land name> <target land> to declare war.
  • Example: /lands war declare MyLand EnemyLand

Form Alliance:[edit]

  • Use /lands ally add <land name> <target land> to form an alliance.
  • Example: /lands ally add MyLand FriendlyLand

Additional Features[edit]

Spawn Point:[edit]

  • Set a spawn point within your land using /lands setspawn <land name>.
  • Example: /lands setspawn MyLand

Teleport to Land:[edit]

  • Use /lands tp <land name> to teleport to your land.
  • Example: /lands tp MyLand

View Land Members:[edit]

  • Use /lands members <land name> to view a list of members in your land.
  • Example: /lands members MyLand

Lands Commands Overview[edit]

Here is a quick reference for all commands covered:

Basic Commands[edit]

  • Create a land: /lands create <land_name>
  • Claim a chunk: /lands claim <land_name>
  • Visualize land claim: /lands view
  • Map view: /lands map
  • Land menus: /lands menu <sub_menu>

Role and Permission Management[edit]

  • Set Land Owner: /lands setowner <user_name>
  • Assign Land Role: /lands setrole <user_name> <role_name>

Economic Management[edit]

  • View Daily Upkeep: /lands upkeep

War and Diplomacy[edit]

  • Declare war: /wars declare <land_name>
  • War Information: /wars info
  • View War Flag Recipe: /wars info captureflag
  • War Menu: /wars menu
  • Teleport to Enemies Border: /wars spawn


  • Create Nation: /nations create <nation_name>
  • Accept Nation Invite: /nations accept
  • Decline Nation Invite: /nations deny
  • Delete Nation: /nations delete <nation_name>
  • Leave Nation: /nations leave
  • Rename Nation: /nations rename
  • Change Nation Capital: /nations setcapital
  • Teleport to Nation Spawn: /nations spawn
  • Add Land to Nation: /nations trust
  • Remove Land from Nation: /nations untrust
  • Nations Leaderboard: /nation top
  • Manage Nations Relations: /nations relations
  • Add Nations Ally: /nations relations allies add <nation_name>
  • Remove Nations Ally: /nations relations allies remove <nation_name>
  • Add Nations Enemy: /nations relations enemies add <nation_name>
  • Remove Nations Enemy: /nations relations enemies remove <nation_name>

Utility Commands[edit]

  • Set spawn: /lands setspawn <land_name>
  • Teleport to land: /lands spawn <land_name>
  • View members: /lands members <land_name>

Advanced Commands[edit]

  • Disband land: /lands delete <land_name>
  • Unclaim chunk: /lands unclaim [<land_name>]
  • Leave land: /lands leave
  • Rename land: /lands rename <land_name> <new name>
  • Invite player: /lands trust <player> <land_name>
  • Kick player: /lands untrust <player> <land_name>
  • Withdraw money: /lands withdraw <land_name> <amount>
  • Deposit money: /lands deposit <land_name> <amount>

By following this guide, you will be able to effectively manage your land, collaborate with other players, and engage in the dynamic world created by the Lands plugin. Enjoy your adventures!