
Incendium is a Nether world on Survival.
ServerNether world    on Survival


Incendium - Nether Expansion is a project made to completely revamp the Nether beyond what has already been done by the Nether Update. First released August 10th of 2020, this pack adds 8 all-new biomes, and 9 new structures, and makes full use of jigsaw blocks to generate incredibly dynamic structures. This project is intended to up the difficulty of the Nether slightly, but at the same time make it much more rewarding to play there, especially for late-game players. Technical players will have a lot of fun designing new farms enabled by this pack, as well.

Incendium was the first WorldGen project of Starmute. After learning about the added WorldGen tools of Minecraft Java 1.16.2, Starmute wanted to do a "Better Nether Update" and spent months learning and developing the Incendium Datapack, which quickly became an example, not only as a Worldgen Datapack, but also as an example of all of what was possible to create through Datapacks at the time, with new terrain, structures, mobs, items and functions.

Official download page 1.16.4 - 1.20.4


Here is a full list of the biomes and changes brought by Incendium.

Biome name Biome ID
Ash Barrens incendium:ash_barrens
Infernal Dunes incendium:infernal_dunes
Inverted Forest incendium:inverted_forest
Quartz Flats incendium:quartz_flats
Toxic Heaps incendium:toxic_heap
Volcanic Deltas incendium:volcanic_deltas
Weeping Valley incendium:weeping_valley
Withered Forest incendium:withered_forest

Vanilla biome changes[edit]

To add to the overhauled terrain, Incendium overhauls some vanilla Nether biomes with new features and terrain. The main change being the "3D biomes", a change made in 1.18 allowing to have different biomes in the same chunk but on different Y levels. Although this change was made for the new caves in the Overworld, Incendium, using the existing assets of Amplified Nether, applied 3D biomes to the Nether, allowing you to have a Quartz flats roof over a Soulsand valley, but also allowing for new and unique biome like the Inverted forest.

Incendium also makes use of the possibility of changing the terrain's height to make the Nether 192 blocks high, meaning x1.5 times the height of the Nether in Vanilla.


Incendium main features come from its structures, here is a list of all of them.

Name Structure ID Variants
Forbidden castle incendium:forbidden_castle 1 227
Sanctum incendium:sanctum 1 1
Infernal altar incendium:infernal_altar 1 1
Ruined lab incendium:ruined_lab 1 1
Nether reactor incendium:nether_reactor 1 1
Abandoned tower incendium:abandoned_tower 1 11
Quartz kitchen incendium:quartz_kitchen 1 1
Piglin village incendium:piglin_village 1 42
Pipeline incendium:pipeline 1 20


Incendium adds loads of new mobs to the Nether. This list is here to help you know who they are, how they act, where to find them and what they drop.

Custom items[edit]

Incendium adds a bunch of custom items: here is a categorized list of all of them.

Note that some of those items: can or cannot be upgraded, enchanted or grindstoned; are part of the latest version only, and that the textures on those pages are part of the Optionnal Resource Pack 1.19 - 1.19.4 - some needing Optifine or replacements to appear.


Incendium has a total of 39 custom advancements/achievements. This page lists and explain how to obtain each of them.


Explore the terrifying, and rewarding, Incendium Nether
Enter the Nether with the Incendium datapack for the first time.

Strange Biomes[edit]

Visit any Incendium biome
Go into any biome added by Incendium
Soul Searcher[edit]
Discover every single Incendium biome
Go to all the biomes added by Incendium.
Alchemical Experiments[edit]
The piglin's experiments backfired leading to a dangerous situation
Enter a Ruined lab.
Piglin Pillage[edit]
Steal some loot from a Piglin village
Remove an item from a chest within a Piglin Village structure.

Hellish Paradise[edit]

Beware the beautfiful and deadly Quartz Flats
Enter a Quartz Flats biome.

An Illager Refuge?[edit]

The Illager's Sanctum might not be so holy...
Enter a Sanctum structure.

You Fool![edit]

Kill the skeleton chef Torte and loot his kitchen
Find a Quartz kitchen in the Quartz flats and kill the unique mob Torte.
Kitchen's Treasure[edit]
Find the hidden treasure in the Quartz kitchen
Open the chest in the Quartz Kitchen structure underneath the checkered floor.
The Floor is Tears[edit]
Brave the Quartz Flats' frozen lava seas
Go to Y-32 in the Quartz Flats biome.
Rescue Mission[edit]
Enter the Quartz Tower, the prison of the Ghastling
Enter a Abandoned tower structure.

Feed the Beast

Feed a Ghastling its odd favorite food - fire charges - to toggle it following you
Right-click a Ghastling mob with a Fire Charge in your hand.
Ghast Buster[edit]
Kill a ghast on its home turf above the frozen lava seas
Kill a Ghast mob in the quartz flats while standing on Y-32

Ancient Battlefield[edit]

Enter a Withered forest, ancestral battleground of the Piglins and Wither skeletons
Enter a Withered forest biome.
Phantom Menace[edit]
Loot the treasures of a Phantom Nest
Trigger details
Kill a restless spirit
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Put on some chain armor and use it to dispel a restless spirit
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Darude - Firestorm[edit]

Experience the blazing heat of the Infernal Dunes
Trigger details
Pipe Dream[edit]
Enter a pipeline, but beware the dangerous sentry blazes
Enter a Pipeline structure.
Get hit by a Pipeline Sentry's lightning attack
Trigger details
Ceci n'est pas un blaze
Kill a Pipeline Sentry
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Plumber's Plunder
Retrieve a Pipeline's hidden treasure
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Kill one of the odd Desert Blazes native to the Infernal Dunes
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Border of Life[edit]
Kill a Desert Blaze on the boundary of light and dark to get both of its drops
Kill a Desert Blaze positioned at a light level of 4
Beyond the Embers[edit]
The shrine... demands a sacrifice.
Enter an Infernal altar.
Risen from Fire[edit]
Sacrifice a nether star at an altar to summon the Hovering Inferno
Trigger details


You can't kill the Inferno. Just survive to win.
Trigger details
Lunatic Mode
Survive the Inferno's final phase with no armor
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Fallen to Ashes
Survive the Inferno's last spell and claim your reward.
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Forged in Flames
Use the Infernal feather to upgrade your Elytra in a Smithing Table
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The Dust Settles[edit]

Enter the Ash Barrens, the forgotten home to the Forbidden castle
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In the Hall of the Piglin King[edit]
In the Golden Age, a great King rules this castle. But he was betrayed, cursed, and exiled from his Kingdom. This is what remains.
Enter a Forbidden castle.
The Conqueror[edit]
Storm a Forbidden castle and kill every last piglin living inside
Trigger details
Duel of the Fates[edit]
Give a Pipeline Sentry a taste of its own medicine
Strike a Pipeline Sentry with the Sentry's wrath.

Hellfire Mantle[edit]

Enter the chaotic Volcanic Deltas
Trigger details
Treacherous Heights[edit]
Mine the exposed ancient debris in the height of the Volcanic Deltas
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Enter the nuclear wastelands of the Toxic Heap
Enter a Toxic Heap biome.
Pocket Edition Alpha[edit]
Loot a Nether reactor
Find a Nether reactor structure and take what's in one of his barrels.
Mystic Wisdom[edit]
Discover every type of loot in a Nether reactor
Trigger details
Toxic Personality[edit]
Get poisoned by a Toxic slime
Get close to a Toxic Slime who will poison you.


Note that the following articles and videos linked here will only be in English.


Jeracraft survival server featuring Incendium's WorldGen